Orange Pastel
2011 Litter
Orange Pastel Origin
2011 Comparison
-Anery Leopard
-Orange Pastel Leopard
2013 Comparison
-Anery Leopard
-Orange Pastel Leopard
-Orange Pastel Anery het Leopard
-Anery het Leopard
-Orange Pastel DH Anery Leopard
-Orange Pastel Anery het Leopard
2013 Orange Pastel Litter
This litter was the results of pairing an Orange Pastel Leopard het Anery that I produced in 2011 back to his mother, a DH Anery Leopard female.
These animals are 50% Columbian and 50% Sonoran and possess the Columbian Anery gene.
The Orange Pastel trait popped out of two normal looking DH Anery Leopards in 2011,
I was unsure at the time if it was just a freak incidence or something genetically reproducable.
This litter proved that the Orange Pastel gene is genetic and is passed on to both the leopards and the hets.
More breeding will need to be done to figure out the true genetics as I am on track to breed two Orange Pastel Leopards together in the 2014/15 season.
A new triple Combo was also produced with this litter... Orange Pastel Anery Leopards which I'm calling the "OPAL Boa" for short.
These guys are unlike anything I could have imagined with their purpleish silver ghost-like appearance.
2013 Orange Pastel Litter
2013 Post-Shed Orange Pastel Leopards
2 Weeks Old
"Orange Pastel Anery Leopard"
"Orange Pastel Anery Leopard"
"Orange Pastel Anery Leopard"
"Orange Pastel Anery Leopard"
Orange Pastel Leopard
Orange Pastel Leopard
Orange Pastel Leopard
Orange Pastel Leopard
Orange Pastel Leopard
2013 Orange Pastels
6 Months Old
"Orange Pastel Anery Leopard"
Orange Pastel Leopard
Orange Pastel Leopard
Orange Pastel DH Anery Leopard
Orange Pastel DH Anery Leopard
Orange Pastel Anery het Leopard
2013 Orange Pastels
"Orange Pastel Anery Leopard"
2014 Orange Pastel Litter
This litter was the results of pairing an Orange Pastel Leopard het Anery to an unrelated Columbian Salmon Motley DH Ghost female.
There were 2 new Orange Pastel combos produced in this litter, Orange Pastel Salmons and an Orange Pastel Motley. Breeding the Orange Pastel
to an unrelated female proves that this trait is not a reccessive one but either a co-dominant or polygenic trait.
Orange Pastel Motley het Eclipse
66% het Anery
Orange Pastel Salmon het Leopard
66% het Anery